equipment needed there are suitable

“Few people can imagine how difficult it is to work in an ambulance. In the stationery you work in completely different conditions: there is part 4 all the equipment needed, there are suitable professionals who will come to your rescue if needed, and in resuscitation you are alone in part 4 extreme conditions. This is a huge responsibility, because human life is in your hands. The patient relies on you, the patient"s relatives are looking into your eyes ... ”said Manuk Yazchyan.

There are people in Armenia who think that having a "crow" is a pleasure to go around with a crow. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan stated this on his Facebook page. "I want to say that the biggest problems in our family over the last 1.5 years are related to this phenomenon. My family members constantly ask me that this is a big problem and a discomfort for part 3 them. This is one problem for our family, "he said;

He added that he had clarified and found that no 201 car had been purchased by the part 3 State Oil Company. "Then it turned out that PPC purchased cars in 2018, but it was not for the Prime Minister"s family. “These cars were purchased to protect my family members for PPP. I wasn"t even aware at the time. And the cars were acquired because the number of people subject to state protection by law has increased. It is the same as saying that Mariam Pashinyan received Kalashnikov machines, armor jackets, ”he said.

All ambulances at Astghik Medical Center are resuscitators, and the staff are resuscitators-anesthesiologists who are qualified to provide emergency care in extreme conditions. But if there is a "serious" patient in the car, anything can happen on the road, and the physician has to quickly decide if necessary to take remedial action part 2 and decide for themselves what to do next.

On December 19, the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia will hold its next part 2 closed session on the investigation of the April 2016 events and circumstances, reports correspondent. This time the former head of the Artillery Department of the Armenian Ministry of Defense Albert Mardoyan was summoned to the commission.

Hayastanum mardik kan, vor mtatsum yen, t’e «akhrrana» unenaly, «akhrranayov» shrjely geraguyn hachuyk’ e: Ays masin Facebook-i ir ejum ughigh yet’erum nshets’ HH varch’apet Nikol P’ashinyany: «Yes uzum yem asel, vor verjin 1,5 tarva ynt’ats’k’um part 1 mer yntanik’i amenamets problemnery kapvats e ays yerevuyt’i het: Im yntanik’i andamnern anyndhat im arraj harts’ yen dnum, vor sairents’ hamar mets problem yev diskomfort e: Sa mer yntanekan hamar mek problemn e»,-asats’ na;